Easttop Performer EAP 12 Chromatic Harmonica
Performer EAP-12
Comes With A Leather Case & Spare Parts!
Quickly Shipped from the USA (Philadelphia Area) by Priority Mail. Beware of sellers listed as USA who actually ship from China. Tracking will be provided.
Choose A, Bb, C, D, or G from the drop down menu.
Yes, high quality harmonicas are now being made in China. I tried Easttop harps a few years ago at NAMM, the National Association of Music Merchants trade show and I was very surprised at the high quality. If you have wanted to try out this hot new brand here is your opportunity. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
- Precision phosphor bronze reeds
- 12 Holes, 48 Reeds
- Choose A, Bb, C, D, or G
- Rounded mouthpiece design. Comfortable when playing.
- Leather Case
- Stainless Steel Covers