Suzuki Folkmaster Set of 12 Keys
Suzuki Folkmaster Set
All 12 Keys
started playing harmonica with all 12 keys in a good quality
instrument. Individual Folkmaster harmonicas usually sell for about
$18-$20 each, so there is a nice savings in this offer from one of
Suzuki USA's top authorized dealers. Beware! Foreign dealers on ebay, and even some unauthorized USA dealers, cannot offer the Suzuki USA warranty!
Suzuki Folkmaster harmonica is both easy to play and economical to
purchase. Its exceptional sound clarity and perfect tuning is made
possible by a unique laser manufacturing process. Thin bendable reeds
produce a mellow tone and the widest choice of sound timbres available
from any harmonica manufacturer. The most exacting standards are used
together with a molded plastic waterproof body and classically
sculptured metal covers to make your musical experience as rewarding as